How to lock a drawer
in a vehicle? There are several options. The first choice is most often a rolled steel slide with an integrated locking mechanism which allows the drawer
to be locked in when closed and locked out when opened. The load capacity on
rolled steel slide is up to 300 kg, depending on the
What if my
application requires a heavier duty option? Our locking handle systems are the
solution. The handle allows the user to lock shut a drawer up to a load
capacity of 500 kg.
The full system
consists of a cast alloy handle which can be powder coated in custom colours upon request, 304 stainless steel rods and springs. To assure light weight components the plunger casing and end stops are made from aluminium.
It is possible to add
a threaded bar which allows the system to lock in and out.
We thrive to provide flexible solutions to an industry which requires quick adaptation and products.
If you would like to
discuss your applications with us at the CV show we will be in Hall 3 on stand
E 95.